Are you planning to incorporate cold plunges into your daily wellness routine? Excellent! We're happy you've decided to try this therapy and enjoy the benefits of cold plunge everyday!
If you're just starting your icy journey, you're probably wondering how your body will react to cold exposure and what benefits these reactions lead to. In short, you might experience enhanced immunity, improved mental well-being, and even relief from chronic inflammation, among other benefits.
This article explores the science behind these potential benefits, offering a clear-eyed look at what daily cold immersion could do for you!
Key Takeaways
- Jumping into a cold plunge every day can lead to numerous health benefits, including improved circulation, better sleep, stress relief, and possibly a stronger immune system.
- Cold water therapy isn’t just good for the body—your brain might also get a boost! This therapy can potentially enhance mental clarity, improve your mood, and reduce symptoms of depression.
- It’s not all chill and thrill! Make sure you take things slowly and adhere to safety guidelines, especially if you have certain medical conditions or are new to this therapy.
Daily Dive into Wellness: 8 Benefits of Regular Cold Plunging
Cold plunging has only recently resurfaced as a beneficial therapy. Hundreds of thousands of cold plungers from around the world are sharing how their bodies and moods have changed after stepping into the cold exposure realm!
But did you know people have been practicing this therapy for thousands of years? Even Ancient Greeks reaped the benefits of cold exposure! Today, we have thousands of resources and studies that aim to understand how exactly our bodies react to cold exposure and whether we can actually benefit from these reactions.
Although further research is required to fully confirm these advantages, specialists argue that deliberate cold exposure can potentially:
- Improve circulation and heart health
- Boost your metabolism
- Activate brown adipose tissue
- Increase fat burning
- Improve immunity
- Improve your sleep
- Improve your mood
- Limit stress and anxiety symptoms
- Improve your skin
- Promote speedy recovery
- Reduce muscle soreness
- Reduce chronic inflammation
- Help with pain management
Keep reading to learn more about each!
1. Invigorated Circulation and Heart Health
Cold exposure directly affects our cardiovascular system, so it's not surprising that one of its benefits has to do with our circulation and heart health. So, what exactly happens with your blood vessels when you submerge your body in cold water? They constrict or close - specialists call this vasoconstriction.
This is a natural reaction confirming that your body is trying to protect you from hypothermia and cold shock. It pulls the blood from your extremities and pushes it toward your vital organs. This way, your system preserves the normal core body temperature. Vasoconstriction is also accompanied by an increased heartbeat and blood pressure.
In turn, when you get out of the water, your blood vessels open - this is called vasodilation. Your heartbeat and blood pressure return to normal. This change from cooling to rewarming stimulates your circulatory system. It can potentially lead to microvascular adaptations, thus improving blood circulation over time. This process may also encourage waste clearance and improve oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues.
However, the effect cold exposure has on our circulatory system is the reason why people with cardiovascular issues should not practice cold water therapy. It can worsen the symptoms and cause severe adverse reactions.
2. Metabolic Boost and Brown Fat Activation
Brown fat is the fat you want in high amounts! While white fat stores energy, brown fat burns energy to generate heat. In other words, when you're exposed to cold, brown fat burns extra calories to keep you warm.
Several studies focused on how cold water immersion can potentially affect our metabolism and brown fat activation showed the following:
- Swimming in cold water can increase brown fat cells in white and brown fat deposits.
- Cold water immersion at 57.2°F (14°C) can increase the metabolic rate by 350%.
- Cold exposure can lead to leptin and adiponectin changes - the former regulates energy balance, while the latter prevents fatty deposits in arteries and reduces inflammation.
- Cold exposure can lead to a 10% increase in fat metabolic activity.
- Cold exposure can improve insulin sensitivity and, therefore, help regulate blood sugar levels.
3. Immune System Empowerment
Regular exposure to cold water can potentially influence the immune system. Specifically, cold water immersion is associated with changes in the count and function of white blood cells. They help your body fight viruses, bacteria, and other invaders that threaten your help. So, having them in higher amounts strengthens your immune system. As such, a study has confirmed that within an hour of cold exposure, the total white cell counts had increased and remained elevated after two hours.
Another study links cold exposure to low plasma uric acid concentrations and higher oxidized glutathione/total glutathione levels. This attests to the fact that cold exposure can potentially play a role in body hardening. This means it can increase our tolerance to diseases.
4. Improved Mood and Alertness
Cold water exposure can trigger endorphin release, which, in turn, plays a role in dopamine release. This process improves our mood, boosts our energy levels, and helps us stay alert. In short, a cold plunge is like a coffee, except that it has so many other benefits. Regular cold plungers have reported a lasting sense of intense happiness and well-being, referred to as a "happy dopamine burst!"
Taking a cold plunge can also induce a state of relaxation and euphoria by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. This system controls processes you cannot consciously control, such as digestion, immune system responses, saliva production, and mood changes. As such, this system is in charge of the rest-and-digest function, as opposed to the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the fight-or-flight response (see below).
You've probably already heard about the Vagus nerve and its function, right? Well, vagal nerves are the main nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system. Therefore, stimulating our vagal nerves can help us improve bodily functions, including our mood. Even a quick cold water face immersion can stimulate the Vagus nerve - imagine what whole-body water immersion can do!
5. Stress Management and Anxiety Relief
When we are exposed to cold, our bodies react accordingly. Holding our breath or hyperventilating are only some of the reactions we can experience. These are caused by the activation of our sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our fight-or-flight reactions.
At first thought, this may not sound like a benefit, right? It may sound like we're putting too much stress on our bodies. This is only partly true - if we don't learn how to control these reactions, then, yes, our bodies will be under a lot of stress. However, if we learn how to inform our minds that we're not in danger (through breathing exercises, for example), this process can lead to positive effects. More precisely, it can train our stress responses, help us react differently to anxiety, and promote overall well-being over time.
Furthermore, a study shows that cold exposure increases the blood levels of beta-endorphin and noradrenaline. It also sends an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from the peripheral nerve endings to the brain. All these reactions can possibly have an anti-depressive and analgesic effect. In fact, another study shows that cold water immersion can increase plasma noradrenaline and dopamine concentrations by 530% and 250%, respectively. How cool is that?!
Let's take a look at the results of another study. A 24-year-old woman suffering from major depressive disorder participated in a study focused on how cold water swimming affects this condition. Her mood improved after each swim, and her depression symptoms reduced over time. A year after the study, the participant was medication-free and could manage her depression much more easily.
6. Improved Skin Health
It has been argued that cold water immersion can reduce acne and blocked pores, decrease inflammation, and balance sebum levels. In addition, the vasoconstriction and the subsequent vasodilation can enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery to the skin. It is also believed that cold water immersion can stimulate collagen production, reducing and preventing wrinkles.
Furthermore, since cold therapy boosts our immune system and helps us manage stressful situations better, it can indirectly affect our skin. Why so? Many skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, are triggered by stress. By learning how to deal with stressful situations, we can reduce the risk of developing these diseases.
On the other hand, it's worth noting that people with dry or extra sensitive skin should be careful when they expose themselves to cold temperatures, as this can worsen their symptoms.
7. Enhanced Post-Workout Muscle Recovery
Cold-water immersion post-exercise may have the following benefits:
- Reduce inflammation, aiding in muscle recovery
- Alleviate delayed onset muscle soreness symptoms
- Improve the quality of subsequent training sessions
These effects are linked to the vasoconstriction reaction to cold and the subsequent changes associated with it. In addition, the release of endorphins can promote post-workout relaxation and speedy recovery.
However, it's essential to note that some studies suggest that cold water immersion can attenuate muscular strength gain.
8. Reduced Chronic Inflammation and Pain Management
Cold therapy has long been used for reducing chronic inflammation and helping with pain management. It is particularly recommended for people with autoimmune diseases which often cause chronic inflammation. It is believed that this practice can reduce symptoms of somatic pain through a reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress, as well as the release of norepinephrine, which reduces pain perception. As such, cold water therapy is often recommended for people suffering from:
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Multiple sclerosis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Runner's knee
- Pain and swelling linked to hip or knee replacement
- Low back pain
- Tendonitis
However, if your goal is to use cold water therapy to manage disease symptoms, we strongly recommend developing a therapy plan with your doctor.
Navigating the Risks: Ensuring Safe and Effective Cold Plunge Practices
Despite the appealing benefits of cold plunges, it’s crucial to understand that they aren’t suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain health conditions, particularly heart disease, high blood pressure, or conditions like Raynaud’s syndrome, should not engage in cold plunging without medical advice. For example, your doctor may advise you to avoid daily cold plunges or refrain from exposing yourself to cold altogether.
Furthermore, improper cold plunging can entail risks. It’s recommended to avoid alcohol consumption before and after a cold plunge. It's also essential to stick to safe temperatures and durations, especially if you're just starting your journey.
A key reaction to consider when embarking on a cold plunge journey is the cold shock response. This response includes an involuntary gasp and hyperventilation. During this stage, vasoconstriction conserves heat and protects peripheral tissues by reducing blood flow to significant heat-loss areas. Therefore, learning how to control these reactions is essential in preventing risks associated with cold shock response, such as hypothermia and cardiac arrhythmia.
Best Practices for Cold Plunge Safety
For those new to cold plunging, starting slow and adhering to safety guidelines is vital. Beginners should start ice baths at temperatures ranging from 50-69°F (10-15°C). You should allow your body to adapt to colder temperatures gradually.
In addition, you should start with only 30-60 seconds immersed in cold water. Add 15-30 seconds during each ice bath session, eventually reaching the desired 5-10 minutes.
Practicing breathing exercises will help you get used to the cold more easily. If you notice that you start shivering or feel dizzy, you should get out of the water immediately. Having someone accompany you can be helpful in this situation.
You should also avoid taking a hot shower after an ice bath. Instead, allow your body to warm up naturally.
Ready to Reap the Benefits of Daily Cold Plunges? Contact Coldture!
Without a doubt, daily or even bi-weekly cold plunges can improve numerous bodily functions and reactions if done properly - from better circulation and fat burning to stress relief and enhanced mental clarity!
But like any wellness practice, cold therapy isn't risk-free. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional beforehand. Finding high-quality cold plunging equipment that ensures a safe cold exposure therapy is equally important. Luckily, Coldture happens to have Canada's #1 cold plunge tubs, so book your free consultation today!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is cold plunging?
Cold plunging is when you immerse your body in cold water at temperatures lower than 59°F (15°C). It has various health benefits, such as improved circulation and reduced muscle soreness.
How does cold plunging affect the body?
Cold plunging causes vasoconstriction and triggers the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. These reactions can have multiple benefits, such as improved circulation, increased metabolic rate, bolstered immune function, and enhanced mental clarity.
What are the potential benefits of cold plunging?
Cold plunging can potentially provide pain relief, increase fat burning, enhance sleep quality, reduce chronic inflammation, elevate mood, and alleviate stress and anxiety. Give it a try and feel the benefits!
Are there any risks associated with cold plunging?
Yes, cold plunging can pose risks, especially for people with heart disease and high blood pressure. Stay safe, and consult a medical professional before giving it a go!
What are some best practices for safe cold plunging?
Start with mild temperatures and short durations, gradually increasing your exposure as your tolerance builds. Avoid alcohol consumption before and after cold plunging. Warm up naturally after plunging through light physical activity.