Taking an Ice Bath While Pregnant: Potential Benefits and Precautions

If you're wondering whether it's safe to take an ice bath while pregnant, you're not the only one - thousands of women from all over the world wonder the same! Why? Because there's little information about this. While numerous studies show the benefits of cold exposure, few analyze its physiological...

Published  06/11/2024 Updated  01/08/2025
Taking an Ice Bath While Pregnant: Potential Benefits and Precautions

If you're wondering whether it's safe to take an ice bath while pregnant, you're not the only one - thousands of women from all over the world wonder the same! Why? Because there's little information about this. While numerous studies show the benefits of cold exposure, few analyze its physiological effects on pregnant women.

As such, if you want to learn if it's safe to take an ice bath while pregnant, here's a short answer. Several studies describing how cold affects pregnancy showed that side effects are probably unlikely. However, since these studies are usually based on less extreme cold exposure, like harsh winters, and usually involve healthy participants, it's still a long way until scientists can fully confirm whether ice baths are safe for pregnant women.

That was the short answer - if you want to discover more, keep reading!

Key Takeaways

  • Consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial for pregnant women considering ice baths. This is linked to limited research on the practice’s safety during pregnancy and potential impacts on blood circulation.
  • The benefits of ice baths for pregnant women may include reduced inflammation, enhanced mood, and increased insulin sensitivity. However, risks like increased blood pressure and hypothermia are also significant.
  • For a safe ice bath experience during pregnancy, it is recommended to keep the water temperature at around 59°F (15°C) or higher and remain in the water for just a few minutes. Don't forget to stay well-hydrated and listen to your body.

Exploring the Safety of Ice Baths During Pregnancy

Ice baths involve immersing oneself in cold water at temperatures lower than 59°F (15°C ). This practice has been praised for its potential to reduce inflammation, enhance mood, and improve recovery times. It is often favored by athletes looking for relief after intense physical activity.

Ice bath benefits and potential risks are less clear for expectant mothers. Research on cold plunges during pregnancy is limited, and safety considerations are paramount.

What we can do at this point is just outline what happens in our bodies when we're exposed to cold and how these responses can be linked to pregnancy. So, let's discuss all these physiological reactions.

What Happens When We're Exposed to Cold?

When we're exposed to cold, our blood vessels close. This process is called vasoconstriction. Our bodies basically perceive cold as a threat. They start pulling the blood from the extremities and send it to our vital organs, trying to protect them. At the same time, this causes a higher heart rate and increases blood pressure.

When we get out of the ice bath, our blood vessels dilate. The blood flow, the heart rate, and the blood pressure return to normal. This process is generally considered safe and packed with benefits for healthy people. However, it can pose risks for those with certain underlying health conditions. This aspect is important when it comes to pregnancy.

Furthermore, immersing ourselves in cold water triggers the release of dopamine, adrenaline, and beta-endorphins. Our sympathetic nervous system is activated. Since it is responsible for the fight-or-flight response, frequent cold exposure can help us manage stressful situations better.

Cold exposure also triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, which is in control of the calmness that settles after a stressful situation. All these reactions are believed to reduce depression and anxiety, improve our mood and cognitive function, and boost our energy levels.

Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Health

While there are so many changes happening in a woman's body during pregnancy, what interests us the most is the cardiovascular system. Why so? It's the system that cold exposure affects the most.

As such, it's essential to note that pregnancy stresses the heart and the blood vessels. Did you know that blood volume increases by 30% to 50% during pregnancy? This is how the body nourishes the growing baby and supports the reproductive organs. Because of this, the heart works twice as hard, and the heart rate and pressure increase.

That's why many women with no prior cardiovascular issues often develop heart problems when they're pregnant. They may have had underlying conditions but were not aware of them. Or there may have been a family history of cardiovascular disease.

Ice Baths While Pregnant: Risks

Based on what we've described above, let's start with the potential risks for both the mother and the baby associated with taking an ice bath while pregnant. However, don't forget that there's little scientific backup that could 100% confirm or disapprove of any risks or benefits of cold water immersion during pregnancy.

Can Ice Baths Put More Stress on a Pregnant Woman's Heart?

Unfortunately, we can't provide a scientifically confirmed answer to this question. There are no studies that focus on this particular aspect. However, based on what we know about the effects of ice baths on our bodies and the fact that pregnancy puts stress on a woman's heart, we can speculate that taking ice baths during pregnancy may negatively affect the cardiovascular system. This is especially true for those who are already at risk of developing heart disease or high blood pressure.

Furthermore, it remains unknown how vasoconstriction affects the oxygen and blood flow to the uterus and the delivery of nutrients.

Thus, if you’re considering ice baths during your pregnancy, it’s essential to consult with healthcare professionals. They can help you understand your body's response to cold.

Risk of Premature Birth

A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives aimed to outline if extreme hot and cold temperatures increase preterm birth risk.

The authors discovered that exposure to extreme hot and cold temperatures during the first seven weeks of pregnancy can be linked to premature birth. In addition, the results showed that women who were exposed to heat for most of their pregnancy were also at a higher risk of delivering early. In fact, many studies have shown that pregnancy risks are more associated with heat than cold.

However, these results may not be consistent for those looking for an answer related to ice baths. Why so? Scientists think people are more likely to protect themselves from the cold than the heat, which is why the latter is more likely to affect pregnancy.

Either way, why do scientists believe that exposure to extreme temperatures increases the risk of preterm birth? The thing is that the stress these temperatures cause may affect placenta development and possibly reduce blood flow to the uterus.

In short, here are the results of this study based on 223,375 births at 12 clinical centers:

  • Women who were exposed to extreme cold during the first seven weeks of their pregnancy registered a 20% higher risk of giving birth before 34 weeks, a 9% higher risk of giving birth between 34-36 weeks, and a 3% higher risk of giving birth between 37-38 weeks.
  • Women who were exposed to extreme heat during the first seven weeks of their pregnancy registered an 11% higher risk of giving birth before 34 weeks and a 4% higher risk of giving birth between 37-38 weeks.
  • Women exposed to extremely high temperatures during weeks 8-14 and 15-21 had a higher risk of delivering earlier at 34-39 weeks.

Ice Baths While Pregnant: Other Risks

Here are some other risks that can be linked to taking ice baths while pregnant:

  • Hormonal Fluctuations. It remains unknown how the stress caused by the cold can affect the hormones of an expectant mother.
  • Physical Injuries. It has been shown that during pregnancy, many women experience balance problems. This increases the risk of injuries during a cold plunge.
  • Thermoregulatory issues. A study has shown that pregnant women may actually become slightly insensitive to cold. Their hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is altered during pregnancy. The HPA axis controls our reactions to stress. It also allows us to regulate various body processes. Well, this study confirmed that expectant mothers showed no response to the cold compared to the control group. This can potentially lead to increased hypothermia risk during a cold plunge.

Cold Water Immersion and Pregnancy: Benefits

Research suggests that cold water immersion may offer benefits such as enhanced mood and reduced inflammation. Let's explore these benefits and understand if they can actually be achieved during pregnancy!

Reduced Inflammation and Mental Health Boost

One of the potential benefits of ice baths during pregnancy is reduced inflammation and muscle soreness. In fact, cold water immersion has long been associated with decreased inflammation. Therefore, it may provide relief for expectant mothers experiencing joint pain or swelling.

Moreover, some expectant mothers practicing cold water immersion have reported increased energy levels and less anxiety. This is associated with the release of adrenaline, dopamine, and beta-endorphins.

However, it’s important to note that these benefits may vary among individuals. In addition, they should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

Metabolism Boost and Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity

Studies have shown that maternal tissues can register a 50%-60% decrease in insulin sensitivity. This can trigger gestational diabetes that develops only during pregnancy.

Cold water immersion has also been associated with improved metabolism and increased sensitivity to insulin. That's why taking ice baths while pregnant can be beneficial for expectant mothers who are at risk of developing gestational diabetes - as long as there are no other risks, of course.

Nonetheless, don't forget that research is still needed to fully confirm the effect of cold water therapy on our metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

Guidelines for a Safe Cold Plunge While Pregnant

If you've assessed all risks and benefits, and your doctor confirmed that taking ice baths while pregnant is safe, keep reading! We've prepared some guidelines that will help you enjoy the cold water safely and maintain a healthy pregnancy!

Temperature and Duration

The recommended water temperature for a cold plunge when pregnant is around 59°F (15°C) or slightly higher. This temperature prevents excessive cold stress, which could potentially harm you or your baby.

As for the duration of your cold plunges, it’s recommended to limit it to only a few minutes. This way, you'll enjoy cold water immersion benefits without exposing yourself too much to the cold.

Monitoring Your Body's Reactions

Listening to your body’s signals during a cold plunge is crucial. If you feel dizzy, start shivering, or experience any discomfort, it’s time to exit the water.

Immersion can increase urination and sweating, potentially leading to dehydration. So, make sure you’re well-hydrated before starting your cold plunge journey, and remember to replenish your fluids afterward.

Additionally, ensure that you're not alone while cold plunging. Having someone with you is extremely important. They can help you get out of the water quickly if you feel dizzy. In addition, they can support you to avoid slipping and injuring yourself.

Precautions to Prevent Slips and Falls

If you decide to incorporate ice baths into your pregnancy wellness routine, it’s crucial to take precautions to prevent slips and falls.

Preventive measures to reduce the risk of trips and falls include:

  • Using non-slip mats in the bathtub or shower area
  • Wearing sturdy footwear with non-skid surfaces
  • Installing grab bars and handrails
  • Ensuring that spaces are well-lit
  • Removing environmental hazards like loose rugs and electrical cords

Alternative Methods to Ice Baths for Pregnant Women

If you’re intrigued by the potential benefits of cold water immersion but concerned about the risks, you might be wondering if there are safer alternatives. Luckily, you can try many other practices that yield similar benefits without the risks associated with ice baths.

You can take cold showers or swim in cold water. In fact, several studies have shown that swimming in cold water (as long as it's not extremely cold, of course) can positively affect pregnant women.

In addition, you can rely on cold compresses for targeted relief. For example, if you have muscle pain or swelling, you can apply a cold compress only to that area. This will eliminate whole-body cold exposure risks.

Furthermore, don't forget about relaxing! Meditation, mindfulness, and breathing exercises can do wonders! They will help you stay calm, be conscious of the changes happening in your body, and prepare you for giving birth!


In conclusion, while ice baths can offer pregnant women potential benefits, they also come with certain risks. It’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals, ensure the water is clean, and monitor your personal comfort and body signals. Moreover, there are many ice bath alternatives that can provide similar benefits without the risks. Stay safe, listen to your body, and enjoy this special time in your life!

Has your doctor approved your ice bath routine, and you're looking for the best cold plunge tub in Canada? Contact Coldture today for a free consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are ice baths safe for pregnant women?

Pregnant women should consult with healthcare professionals before taking an ice bath. Unfortunately, only a few studies asses safety during pregnancy, and the results are largely inconclusive.

What are the potential benefits of ice baths during pregnancy?

Ice baths during pregnancy may offer benefits, such as enhanced mood, reduced inflammation, and increased insulin sensitivity. It's important to note that these effects differ from person to person.

What are the potential risks of ice baths during pregnancy?

Ice baths during pregnancy can lead to increased blood pressure and heart rate, as well as a higher risk of slips and falls.

What are some alternatives to ice baths for pregnant women?

Consider trying cool showers, swimming in a pool, and relaxation techniques, like mindfulness and meditation, as ice bath alternatives during pregnancy. These can help provide relief and relaxation without the potential discomfort of cold exposure.

How can I prevent slips and falls during ice baths?

To prevent slips and falls during ice baths, use non-slip mats, wear sturdy footwear, install grab bars and handrails, and ensure a well-lit and hazard-free environment. Stay safe!

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