Unlock the Best Time to Cold Plunge for Optimal Health Benefits

Unlock the Best Time to Cold Plunge for Optimal Health Benefits

Anyone who's tried cold plunging at least once can confirm that it's truly an incredible experience! The euphoria, the relaxation, and the tranquility that come afterward are life-changing! However, it's essential to learn how to cold plunge correctly to benefit from everything it has to offer. As such, if you're just starting this chilly journey, you probably have many questions, right?! We're here to help!

The tricky thing is that the best time to cold plunge can actually be anytime, depending on your preferences and goals - in the morning, after a workout, in the evening, or after a sauna session. Nonetheless, we'll guide you through the benefits of all these routines to help you choose what suits you best! We've also prepared some other tips on how to get the best from cold plunging therapy, so keep reading!

Key Takeaways

  • Time your cold plunges based on the desired benefits: morning for an energy boost, post-exercise for muscle recovery, and evenings for relaxation and better sleep.
  • Ease into cold plunging with short exposures. Monitor your body’s response and gradually find your personal duration limit for safety and comfort.
  • Adjust your cold plunge temperature wisely. Start with beginner-friendly values such as 55-60°F (12-15°C).
  • Don't embark on a cold water therapy journey without confirming with your doctor that it's safe, especially if you have pre-existing conditions.

Finding Your Ideal Cold Plunge Time

The journey towards the perfect cold plunge experience starts with finding the right timing. It’s not just about when you brace yourself for the chill but also about aligning this practice with your personal health goals and daily rhythms. What do you want to achieve by practicing this cold water immersion therapy? Are you just looking for a quick pick-me-up to combat the afternoon slump? Or are you doing this to manage chronic conditions like arthritis?

We'll share the advantages and benefits of practicing cold plunging at various times of the day. These will help you choose the best time for your goals.

Morning Cold Plunges

Imagine substituting your alarm clock with an invigorating cold plunge! It would be like a natural espresso shot, except it doesn't carry the downsides of too much caffeine! On the better side, it leaves you alert and ready to tackle your to-do list with a clear mind.

Scientific evidence backs up the claim that a dip in an ice bath or cold water can brighten your morning and potentially alleviate depression symptoms. Why so? Because cold exposure activates the sympathetic nervous system. In addition, it increases beta-endorphin and noradrenaline levels. Cold also transmits an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses to the brain, which has an anti-depressive effect. A study has actually shown that even cold showers can significantly improve mood - imagine the effect of a cold plunge!

Furthermore, cold exposure also triggers the release of dopamine and other key neurotransmitters. This can help with stress management and improve cognitive function.

As such, taking a cold plunge in the morning can potentially:

  • boost your energy
  • improve cognitive function
  • improve focus
  • stimulate your Vagus nerve
  • reduce depression and anxiety
  • help manage stressful situations better

Therefore, the next time you feel like hitting the snooze button, think about taking an ice bath or a cold plunge to kick-start your day!

Post-Workout Cold Plunges

Cold plunges have been so popular among athletes lately that it's almost impossible to not have heard about their post-workout benefits! Keep reading to discover why.

The secret lies in vasoconstriction. When we're exposed to cold, our blood vessels close. The blood is drawn from the extremities and sent toward the vital organs to protect them. Therefore, the blood flow to affected muscles is reduced. When we get out of the water, our blood vessels dilate, thus improving circulation. This process limits inflammation, soreness, and tissue breakdown.

This study aimed to demonstrate whether cold water therapy can affect the inflammatory response after resistance exercises. The specialists observed the effects of this therapy in several volunteers. They were exposed to immersion in cold water (15 degrees Celsius) for 10 minutes immediately after exercising. The results showed that cold water immersion practice can indeed slow the inflammatory response and reduce delayed onset muscle soreness.

Therefore, a cold plunge after a workout session can potentially:

  • reduce muscle pain
  • reduce inflammation and soreness
  • limit muscle damage
  • promote relaxation
  • promote more frequent workout sessions
  • aid weight management by activating brown fat

Timing is crucial—ideally, you’d want to cold plunge within two hours after your workout to reap the maximum benefits. Even a brief five-minute session can make a significant difference in how quickly your muscles bounce back.

However, there's one thing to consider - post-workout cold plunges are not recommended for those who want to build muscle strength and mass. According to this study, cold water immersion can attenuate muscular strength gain. If that's your goal, wait at least four hours after exercising until cold plunging.

Evening Cold Plunges

In an era when we're overwhelmed with information coming from everywhere - social media, TV, books, and whatnot - allowing our minds to take a break is a must. This is particularly important in the evening if we want to have a restful sleep without dreaming of work, traffic, or domestic errands.

As such, cold plunging in the evening can be a potent tool for decreasing stress levels. It can also help you detach from the day’s worries and prepare for a deep, restorative sleep.

However, we do not recommend cold plunging right before sleep. Schedule this practice at least two hours before going to sleep because your body needs to warm up naturally afterward.

Cold Plunging After Sauna

Many cold water therapy experts and enthusiasts are also engaging in contrast therapy, which enhances the effects of cold plunging. Contrast therapy implies exposing yourself to heat and cold alternatively. As such, you should spend around 20 minutes in the sauna and up to 5 minutes cold plunging. Repeat this 2-3 times, always ending with a cold plunge.

Contrast therapy can boost your metabolism, reduce inflammation, and promote speedy muscle recovery.

Cold Plunging for Disease Management

Cold water therapy is often recommended as a therapeutic measure to manage various diseases like arthritis. If that's your goal, you should confirm with your doctor regarding the best time to cold plunge. For example, if you're struggling with joint pain, you may need to incorporate cold water therapy into your morning routine, as the discomfort is significantly stronger after waking up.

How to Gradually Increase Cold Plunge Duration

Taking the plunge into cold water is truly exhilarating! The secret to mastering this rejuvenating technique is understanding that it’s not about how long you can withstand the chill. It’s about listening to your body.

Here’s the plan: begin with a brief cold water exposure and closely monitor how your body reacts. Prolong your immersion duration during each session. This approach will help you build cold tolerance. Over time, you’ll find your sweet spot—the duration that maximizes benefits while ensuring safety and enjoyment.

Starting Slowly

If you’re just starting your cold plunging journey, bear in mind the old saying: progress is achieved through slow and steady steps. The goal is to stay in cold water for approximately 10 minutes, right?! Well, you obviously won't be able to do this from the first session. In fact, you can start with only 30 seconds if that's your limit. Nobody is rushing you, and you're not competing with anyone. Add 15 seconds during each cold immersion session, and your body will eventually learn to withstand more.

Rushing into longer sessions can do more harm than good. It significantly increases the risk of hypothermia and other adverse reactions. Therefore, it’s important to protect your health by taking it one step at a time.

You can even start with cold showers if you don't think you can take a cold plunge. In fact, many people choose cold showers in favor of ice baths and eventually try the latter as well!

Monitoring Your Body's Response

The wisdom of your entire body is not to be underestimated when it comes to cold plunging. Pay attention to any signs of distress, such as:

  • dizziness
  • excessive shivering
  • shaking
  • numbness
  • discoloration of fingers or toes

These are the indicators that you have to step out of the cold. It’s not just about enduring the cold. It’s about engaging with it in a way that brings out the best when it comes to energy levels, mood, and overall well-being.

Another common response to cold is abnormal breathing - gasping, holding your breath, or hyperventilating. These responses won't help you reach your goal. They will further enhance the stress your body is trying to overcome.

Luckily, you can control this abnormal breathing through breathing exercises. They will help you stay calm and focused while your body adapts to the cold. Your heart rate will normalize, and your nervous system will learn that you're in control of the situation. Some breathing techniques that can help are box breathing and the 4-7-8 breathing.

Cold Plunge Temperature: Striking the Right Balance

The temperature of your cold plunge can be as impactful as the duration. Finding that sweet spot where the cold is enough to stimulate without overwhelming your body can be quite difficult at first.

We’ll guide you through the various degrees of cold, starting from mildly cold waters suitable for beginners to extremely cold temperatures for seasoned practitioners.

Beginner-Friendly Temperatures

For those just starting out, the ideal ice bath temperature is 55-60°F (12.8-15.6°C). This range is cold enough to trigger the beneficial responses in your body but not so cold as to cause shock or discomfort.

If you think that's too much - no problem! Just take a cold shower, keeping the water temperature at 64.4-68°F (18-20°C). Remember - this is not a competition, your body knows best!

As your body acclimates and your confidence grows, you can gradually lower the temperature.

Experienced Cold Plunger Temperatures

The temperature can drop further for the seasoned cold plungers who embrace the thrill of the chill. Experienced cold plungers often prefer waters between 39-50°F (4-10°C). They are highly invigorating and can maximize benefits.

However, even experienced ice bathers can suffer from adverse reactions. That's why it's best to limit the cold exposure to a maximum of 15 minutes.

Safety Precautions for Extreme Temperatures

If you have a history of heart conditions or other chronic illnesses, a conversation with your healthcare provider is a non-negotiable first step. Cold water immersion is generally not recommended for people with:

  • cardiovascular disease
  • respiratory issues
  • high blood pressure
  • open wounds
  • diabetes
  • hydrophobia
  • local malignancies
  • poorly managed epilepsy
  • peripheral vascular disease

If your doctor approves cold water immersion therapy, you should prepare for the plunge. Here are some tips:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol before cold plunging.
  • Ask someone to accompany you just in case you start feeling bad.
  • Seek professional advice for guidance.
  • Don't jump into a hot shower after cold plunging. Let your body warm up naturally.

How Often Should You Cold Plunge?

Consistency is key if you want to benefit from cold plunge therapy at the maximum. Like any good habit, the more regular your cold plunges, the better the benefits.

Daily cold therapy sessions may suit some, especially those managing chronic conditions. However, most people find that 2-3 sessions per week are more than enough. In fact, even as little as 11 minutes of cold water immersion a week can leave a positive mark on our bodies and minds.

Looking for The Best Cold Plunge Tub? Contact Coldture!

Now that you've decided what time of the day is best for a reinvigorating cold plunge, you're probably looking for the best tub there is, right?! Luckily, you don't need to scan the market anymore - Coldture offers Canada's #1 cold plunge tubs!

You can choose our:

  • Pro Plunge, an elegant tub with a large capacity, adjustable jets, a skimmer filtration system, and a WiFi remote control.
  • Classic & Barrel Cold Plunge Tub, an excellent option for horizontal or vertical dips with insulated walls and cover for protection.
  • Classic & Barrel Plunge Tub Bundles, which is basically the option mentioned above, except that it also includes a water chiller with a Wi-Fi control option.
  • Ultra Barrel Light, a high-quality, portable plunge tub.

You can also buy the Coldture Water Chiller separately, alongside our absorbent mat and the Coldture pack of cleaning solutions!


So, when's the best time to cold plunge? You decide! If you want to start your day with an incredible cold plunging session, go for it! If your goal is to recover faster after a strenuous workout, schedule your cold plunge after exercising. Or maybe your daily program is a bit hectic, and you can't always cold plunge at the same time. Not a problem - just do it whenever you can as long as you stick to the rules and understand the risks. Don't forget that cold plunging is a personal journey. It should reflect your unique goals, preferences, and health needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I take a cold plunge for optimal benefits?

Aim for 2-3 cold plunge sessions per week for optimal benefits. However, consult a healthcare professional before considering daily sessions if you have a chronic condition.

What's the best way to start cold plunging if I'm a beginner?

Start with brief sessions lasting 30 seconds to one minute at temperatures of around 55-60°F (12-15°C), and gradually acclimate your body to the cold.

Can I take a hot shower immediately after a cold plunge?

No, it's best to allow your body to warm up naturally after a cold plunge to avoid shocking your system. Take some time to adjust before turning up the temperature in the shower.

Is there a risk of staying in the cold water for too long?

Yes, staying in cold water for more than ten minutes can lead to hypothermia and other health risks, so it's crucial to not push beyond your limits.

How do I know if I'm ready to lower the temperature of my cold plunge?

You'll know you're ready to lower the temperature of your cold plunge when you've built up tolerance and can still find colder temperatures enjoyable and beneficial. Just monitor your body's response as you make the change.

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