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  • David Shapiro

    Director Of Sales

    "I feel so lucky to be with Coldture.  I can see the quality of workmanship our engineers put into the product.  So, I know, when you buy a cold plunge tub from us, I have helped you have an experience you’ll enjoy for years upon years upon years."

  • Daniel Mazour

    CEO & Co Founder

    "The global cold plunge market is estimated to be at more than $300million in 2024. The experience is reshaping mindsets across the world on wellness and physical recovery. We are proud to be Canada’s leading brand and take the healthy mindsets of Canada to the entire world."

  • John Benson

    Chief Sale Officer

    "We feel an immense responsibility when we speak with you. Cold plunging can be life-impactful to life-altering. This is why we listen before we speak and understand before we recommend."

Meet the founders who started it all.